Thursday, November 5, 2009

What makes a fan?

Before I go off on this rant, I'd like to go on and congratulate the Yankees on their 27th world championship. But I'm going to say that "Yankee Fans" and Yankee FANS need to be established. I am sick of this crap of hearing it from Yankee fans who watch a couple playoff games and consider themselves fans. To me a fan is one who lives and dies with their team. One who even if half the roster is injured (shout out to 2009 Met fans) will continue to look for the best in next year. A fan who is someone who can name at least the starting line up for the team. A fan isn't someone who wears a flat brim hat to look cool.

So basically what I am saying is that for the Yankee fans who have "suffered" (if you can call it that) through the last 9 years of disappointment, I congratulate you. But for the guy/girl who is celebrating just because they wear their hat and watched the playoffs or like them because it's the cool thing to do, I think you need to just treat this like another win and get real.

Secondly, how does a position player who only plays 3 games win World Series MVP?


  1. I completely agree. I hate how Yankee "fans" think that not winning a championship for 9 years is a tragedy. I agree that people who don't care about baseball or the Yankees, unless they get to the World Series, are not fans at all and they are a disgrace to baseball fans.

  2. I agree...especially all these stars you see sitting in the stands...where were they the last 5 years when Yankees were one and out in the playoffs?
